Case Study: Holy Cross Lutheran Primary School


Highly rated Holy Cross Lutheran School district Tsuen Wan consists of 780 students in 28 classes with a student-teacher ratio of 1 to 2.29. Their focus on high quality education has always been their number one priority, so they sought to create a healthy environment, and enhance faculty and student performance and health.

Covid-19 and class resumption policy further reinforced their urgency. Ascertaining which indoor air factors are of concern and could potentially be contributing to airborne virus transmission was now a must. They needed to deploy IAQ treatment to ensure the best indoor air quality, and IAQ data so that they could address any issues in order to make staff, students and parents confident in reopening schools for in-person learning.



By installing the Bipolar Ionization Device EC1500, Holy Cross Lutheran School was able to create the optimal indoor air quality and reduce the risk of airborne transmission.

With the combination of CO2, humidity, temperature, and occupancy sensors in the Airthings IAQ monitor, Holy Cross Lutheran School was able to identify areas to better improve their indoor air quality prior to the pandemic. This enabled them to take action to reduce possible airborne transmission through the insight provided by Virus Risk Indicator.

For the data result, please click here contact us to request a full version case study. 

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