Research and Lab Tests

Bipolar Ionization for Virus Removal

ions generated

1. Ions Generated

The EC1500 uses a powerful needlepoint discharge system to generate oxygen molecules O2+ and O2-. 

ion cluster

2. Cluster Formed

Hydrogen Peroxide H2O2 together with OH radicals cluster around harmful pollutants. 

protein structure broken

3. Structure Broken

H2O2 and OH radicals break down the protein structure and render them harmless. 

Proven in Independent Clinical Trials to remove 99.9% of SARS-COV-2

Monitair’s IonAir1500 has been third-party lab tested by renowned hospitals in Israel and the United States.

Airborne and Surface stability of

Monitair IonAir1600 Bipolar Ionization

Standalone Bipolar Ionization

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