Case Study -Hong Kong Museum of History


Hong Kong Museum of History aims to provide an active platform that engages the public with the stories of Hong Kong, with a collection of over 70,000 items on local history.

According to “Indoor Air Quality in the Museum Environment” research done by The Alfred P. Sloan “Thousands of trace compounds make up the air around us, pollutants come from and interact with art objects, which may destabilize or disfigure the original materials. In order to protect against degradation, museums must have a solid understanding of what chemicals are present, where they are coming from, and at what levels they are capable of causing lasting damage”

As the indoor air quality (IAQ) conditions will greatly affect the conditions of historical relics in the museum. LCSD deployed Monitair’s Indoor Air Quality solution in Hong Kong Museum of History with the objectives:

  • Measurement and logging of TVOC and respirable suspended particulates (RSP)
  • Logging TVOCs with detection limit of 10 ppb and logging RSP with detection limit of 5 µg/m3


LCSD deployed 3 x IA1600 IonBar, 4 x Airthings for Business – Space Pro and 2 x Airthings Space Hub in the at Exhibition Gallery (approx. 10,000 sq. feet) of Hong Kong Museum of History to protect visitor from virus infection and to aviod poor IAQ destroy the historical relics.

Bipolar Ionization air treatment device IonAir 1600 IonBar is proven to protect the building from harmful pollutants with satisfactory TVOC level. High ion levels are proven to deactivate viruses, bacteria, and mould too.  Common sources of TVOC include paints (such as formaldehyde), lacquers, cleaning supplies, furnishings, office equipment, glues, alcohol, and human breath.

Deployment of IAQ monitoring devices to track real-time changes in indoor air quality parameters such as TVOC, CO2. Management in the museum is able to act immediately when IAQ alert triggered by the IAQ Monitor.

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