Case Study – Sunwah Global Youth Innovation Center


Sunwah Global Youth Innovation Center is a joint project by Sunwah Group, Guangdong Provincial Government, the Guangzhou Municipal Government and the Nansha District Government. The project makes full use of the Nansha innovative policies and help Nansha function as an assembly point for Hong Kong, Macao and international youths to integrate into the development of The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. The Center has six floors and covers an area of nearly 6,000 square meters. A number of Hong Kong and Macao youth innovation and corporate teams have entered the Center.

Sunwah Global Youth Innovation Center has coworking space such as reception, exhibition area, conference room, meeting room and training room which is suitable for start-up enterprise. Frequent physical interaction and business transaction in congested area increasing the risk of virus transmission. Also, there is odour and bad smell after renovation.


To improve workplace conditions, the center deployed Monitair’s bipolar ionization devices to ensure the best indoor air quality, to protect tenants and clients using their facilities are free from viruses and harmful substances, remove odour and formaldehyde after renovation.

To improve indoor air quality without reducing fresh air usage, IA 1600 and UHoo were installed in the conference room to remove the remaining formaldehyde and odour from renovation.

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