Case Study - 8 Deep Water Bay Drive


The core value of Nam Fung Group is to levate the quality of life of customers with genuine services and the quality foundations they laid.  A property under Nam Fung Group located at Deep Water Bay Drive have bad smell and odour when residents using the club house or passing the car park area.


3 x IA 1600 from Monitair was deployed in car park area and club house of 8 Deep Water Bay Drive to tackle the odour and bad smell from the nearby retaining wall.

The optimal 10,000 ion/cm3 to 30,000 ion/cm3 achieved in different locations of the floor. High ion levels are proven to deactivate viruses, bacteria, and mould.

Some common odourous compounds that can be removed by biploar ionizer are: Ammonia, Hydrogen Sulfide, Methanethiol etc.

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